
Women's Performance White T Shirt
Women's Performance Blue T Shirt
Men's Performance White T Shirt
Men's Performance Blue T Shirt
Women's 2XU WHITE Tank
Women's 2XU NAVY Tank
Men's 2XU Navy Tank
Men's 2XU White Tank
Women's 2XU Navy Long Sleeve
Women's Navy Polo
Men's Navy Polo
Unisex MAROON Sunshirt Longsleeve Hoodie
Men's 776 Practice Unisuit
Must be affiliated with Sarasota Crew to purchase. We will check your affiliation and if you are not a member current or past, we will refund your purchase.
Men's 776 RACE Unisuit
Must be affiliated with Sarasota Crew youth to purchase. We will check your affiliation and if you are not a member current or past, we will refund your purchase. Race unisuit is to only be worn for racing, not at practices.
Women's 776 Practice Unisuit
Must be affiliated with Sarasota Crew to purchase. We will check your affiliation and if you are not a member current or past, we will refund your purchase.